This is a modified version (pictures only because you might have already seen the pictures on the original piece) of the article published by UshahK, the co-founder and editor at Dissent Conclav, under community on BuzzFeed.
Independent BuzzFeed community contributor UshahK, with a little help from her friend Moebin Hafiz, is trying to prove that Pakistan is absolutely the worst place on earth.
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If you’ve been alive for more than a day, you know that Pakistan is a dangerous, crazy wild blast from the stone age. So, me and my friend Moebin Hafiz (who has travelled the country for his Travel Diaries) have set out to prove why Pakistan really is the worst place on earth.
1, The capital city is essentially a mud sack with a bonfire

Seriously, we could gag.
And again. Why would anyone want to see this?
2, It’s just plain ugly

The whole place is one giant wasteland.
It has the scenic beauty of a tin can. Eww!
3, The people are hideous

Not a single hottie in sight. Mahira Khan, Iman Ali, Abdullah Ejaz, Sheheryar Siddiqui, Abass Jaffri. They look so bad, it hurts.
4, Pakistani men are horrible human beings

Abdul Sattar Edhi’s philanthropic efforts? Blah!
Ansar Burney advocating for national and international human rights issues? Blah Blah!
Totally, utterly, completely unimpressive.
5, The ports? Pfft,

Hardly functional. Look at those ships. Pathetic!
6, History? Pakistan doesn’t believe in preserving history

The Badshahi Mosque? Yeah, nothing to see here.
The Katasraj Temples? Remnants of an ancient civilisation? Meh.
7, The heritage sights are nothing special

There is no ancient building standing today. The oldest building might hardly be 4 decades old.
8, The architecture is boring

A hall of mirrors? Please. A bubble bath is more interesting.
9, Also, there is absolutely nothing special about the mosques

So unoriginal. We could cry
10, Their musical taste is abysmal

Clearly, this one requires no explanation.
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i don,t believe that you say, u r wrong
huma1985 just read it carefully
i got this wrong by the title.
great post.
Pakistan zindabad
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