Category: Relationships
Here are the Funniest Valentine’s Day Quotes
Valentine’s Day 2016 is here and while the government of Pakistan has put a ban on celebrating the occasion of love, I am left with [more…]
#Brangelina Trends Worldwide as Angelina Jolie Files for Divorce from Brad Pitt
One of Hollywood’s most prolific marriages has come to an end as Angelina Jolie files for a divorce from her husband Brad Pitt. The couple separated on 15th September. The divorce has sent the internet into a meltdown. Many fans of the couple couldn’t believe this actually happened while many other took some time to come up with memes, mostly those involving Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt’s former partner.
15 Best Mama vs Papa Moments while Taking Care of Their Kids
Mama prepares you for facing the soft moments in life. Papa on the other hand knows how to make you his adventurous kid and prepare you for the real world out there. Here are 13 hilarious Mama vs Papa moments while taking care of kids.