Disclaimer: This is not a satire.
According to a research carried out by PornMD, six out of top 10 countries on the planet that watch the most porn are Muslim states. The data was delivered by Google on basis of the search queries that originated from various countries.
Here is a list of top 10 countries that stood above all in the race of watching porn online.
1. Pakistan
2. Egypt
3. Vietnam
4. Iran
5. Morocco
6. India
7. Saudi Arabia
8. Turkey
9. Philippines
10. Poland
Here are top ten porn related search queries that originated from Pakistan (official named as Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
Among the above-listed countries, Pakistan, Egypt, Iran, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are Muslim countries. Ironically, all of the listed Muslim states are known for their controversial internet censorship laws. For example, in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Pakistan, you cannot access more than half a million adult websites. In many countries, Youtube remains banned in an effort to restrict its citizens from viewing anti-Islam and blasphemous content.

In her article “Do Muslims watch Pornography?“, Aisha Sabeer, explains in detail the search queries and their origins.
Even more disgusting was the statistics for various animal sex terms, where Pakistan once again led the field across most areas. A suggestion for them to rename their nation as Pornistan would not be out of the question, as they were the country that produced the most searches for sexual terms for the animals pigs, donkeys, dogs, cats, horses, cows, goats, snakes, monkeys, bears, elephants, and the generic term animal.
Saudi Arabia was the only country to generate more searches than Pornistan for an animal, coming in at position 1 for ‘fox sex’. They also finished second or third for a good number of the abovementioned animal terms. Other Muslim countries to register top 5 positions for those terms were, in order of prominence, Iran, Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Morocco and the UAE.
Other interesting statistics were Turkey ranking number 2 for ‘child porn’, and Arabic being the language used 2nd most for searches for ‘gay man’, ‘gay sex’, and ‘gay girl’. Egypt led the pack when it came to ‘fat sex’ and ‘bird sex’, Indonesia was first for ‘homo sex’, and Saudi Arabia up front, or should I say back, for ‘ass sex’. Pornistan also led the searches for the terms ‘children sex’, ‘sexy child’, ‘sexy children’, and ‘rape’.
The fact that Muslim countries dominate the list for pornography searches is alarming in itself, but when you add in the data for the child, animal and homosexual sex searches, it paints quite a disgusting picture of the state of the Islamic world. Statistically, a large number of pornography seekers confess to having an addiction problem, which means that pornography addiction is currently a massive problem within our Muslim ummah.
RIP Article . Alright Muslims might be involved in this e-disgusting stuff [ which is absolutely wrong] but dear look at the Non-Muslim countries they do everything live . And yes keep the name ‘Pornistan’ with you .Peace 🙂
Fake and Incorrect Data. There is no such data released by Google. For reference http://tribune.com.pk/story/829178/not-the-worlds-top-porn-searching-nation/
“when you add in the data for the child, animal and homosexual sex searches, it paints quite a disgusting picture of the state of the islamic world.”
Why should homosexual sex searches ‘paint quite a disgusting picture’. There is nothing wrong or disgusting with homosexual sex, you homophobe.
the question is who make those animals and wierd porn?
The fact is that Muslim countries have the less call girls and it also have the less friendship between girls and boys.The difference is only that western can do it practically and Muslims countries do it by watching but the both are prohibited in Islam.The best thing is the marriage but there are many problems behind it Especially in Asian countries as well.Some want money,some want to do marriage in 30 or 40’s so every body have their own choice,Some want to settle their business well.So every body have their own priority that’s why pornography increased but if you can search now the mostly websites are from western countries have you noticed on this one
queenthe44 i agree with your words …….
i’m not angry or upset neither i have any objection that muslim countries are toppers of watching stuffs like this more than those non-muslim countries where the ”forcely prostitutions & gang rape or individual rapes & eve teasing & sex trafficking are utmost common more than muslim countries ” so these matters & these non-muslim countries are utmost worst than muslim countries ……
watching pornography is less sin than raping or teasing or making prostitute any girl or woman ……….& animal pornography is not so worse part …
& according to till 2012 survey that these countries are toppers for raping or eve teasing
1. sweden 66.5
2. jamaica 34.1
3. bolivia 33.0
4: costa rica 29.0
5: belgium 27.0
6: usa 26.0
7: brazil 24.0
8: norway 22.0
9: finland 18.0
10: hong kong 1.7
2015 survey coming soon……
i’m not angry or upset neither i have any objection that muslim countries are toppers of watching stuffs like this more than those non-muslim countries where the ”forcely prostitutions & gang rape or individual rapes & eve teasing & sex trafficking are utmost common more than muslim countries ” so these matters & these non-muslim countries are utmost worst than muslim countries ……
watching pornography is less sin than raping or teasing or making prostitute any girl or woman ……….& animal pornography is not so worse part …
& according to till 2012 survey that these countries are toppers for raping or eve teasing
1. sweden 66.5
2. jamaica 34.1
3. bolivia 33.0
4: costa rica 29.0
5: belgium 27.0
6: usa 26.0
7: brazil 24.0
8: norway 22.0
9: finland 18.0
10: hong kong 1.7
2015 survey coming soon……
i agree with your words …….
i’m not angry or upset neither i have any objection that muslim countries are toppers of watching stuffs like this more than those non-muslim countries where the ”forcely prostitutions & gang rape or individual rapes & eve teasing & sex trafficking are utmost common more than muslim countries ” so these matters & these non-muslim countries are utmost worst than muslim countries ……
watching pornography is less sin than raping or teasing or making prostitute any girl or woman ……….& animal pornography is not so worse part …
& according to till 2012 survey that these countries are toppers for raping or eve teasing
1. sweden 66.5
2. jamaica 34.1
3. bolivia 33.0
4: costa rica 29.0
5: belgium 27.0
6: usa 26.0
7: brazil 24.0
8: norway 22.0
9: finland 18.0
10: hong kong 1.7
2015 survey coming soon……
why to follow such none sense articles , find truth by visiting google trends and search for key word and check which country is on top and which is not on top https://www.google.com/trends
afterdarkpak123 Exactly.. I just sign up to reply your comment!!
hunaintymee In 2003, Sweden’s rape statistics were higher than average at 9.24, but in 2005 they shot up to 36.8 and by 2008 were up to 53.2. Now they are almost certainly even higher as Muslim immigrants continue forming a larger percentage of the population.Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=de1_1394099792#DvlmYyW2FOgHzI3Z.99
Wow India being largely populated country ranks at 6; that’s weird!
lol everyone watching porn PK win the first prize
Rape statistics are based on reportage, and Muslim women don’t usually report rape because their families will disown them. Also, in western countries there is no obligation for a wife to have sex with her husband. Forcing her to do so is called rape.
all muslim are teeroist killed these country
goodjob USA….u make it…and make once more muslim take the bad…u make porn…then u blame religion…u make oil smugler then u blame isis…cmon u make this…why so shame with religion?in almost all religion is not alowed to having sex outside mariage..why u record it …once again GOODJOB USA
hunaintymee Yeah by MUSLIM migrants/refugees LOL.
afterdarkpak123 Pakistan/Muslim countries, many videos are from oversees and homemade. Our countries have laws against pedophilia and animal abuse, while in your countries you ban anything possibly against Islam lol.
_BooknStuff_ This data was reported by multiple sources and Pakistan has been the top country for years. The article you posted is a reply with no sources either. The author claims it’s anti-islamic and obviously trying to clear his name and diverting the focus. He apparently got the info from Goggle Pakistan (obviously they’re not going to release anything or admit to it), Goggle received the data with trends tool from the main corporation, which doesn’t lie. That newspaper is from Pakistan as well. To summarize: the author contacted an article that was just quoting the data, that claimed to get it’s info from a Muslim journalist that also just quoted the data, the journalist hasn’t tweeted him back and claims it’s false and making Pakistan look bad lol.
sarfarazabbasi Yeah maybe because it’s largely populated, don’t divert the focus.
afterdarkpak123 And you clicked on the article related to porn didn’t you??? LOL
krisxlowry hunaintymee
loooool 2012, they were no refugees. goo let ur dog humps 🙂
Next survey would be how many people like to be humped by dogs 🙂
u guys know the answer q;
I am not wondering about the other muslim countries, but i am 100 % sure Saudi Arabia wantedly they added in the list, since All porn websites are officially blocked in saudi arabia.
It is totally fake story, In Islamic Republic of Pakistan all the dirty and sex sites are officially blocked no access is there then how can anyone search these sites.
Shama44 what the hell are you talking about they only blocked youtubes for some stupid reasons and opened it later as well. google it & u’ll find out.
Putin Untold not every blame is to put on US, they want money, they make porn & who watches it the most the islamic world! Very profitting for US indeed. so 50% of blame goes to the consumer of such filth as well.
burp123 Shama44 It is completely fabricated survey to disrepute muslim countries and people. all porn sites are blocked in Pakistan I don’t know where the hell they got this results from. I once in Pakistan tried a number of key words to test weather the search result brings any porn sites, it did bring porn sites name in the search result but when you open it, it doesn’t not open.
burp123 Shama44 to see which country watch the most porn, go visit Alex.com, this site collects the stats by counting unique visitors to any site on the internet, among many sites it has shown the stats by indicating the location of unique visitors to the site pornhub.com and xvideos.com- most popular porn sites with popularity ranking stands at 67 and 53 respectively. you will see almost all visitors to porn sites are from non-muslim countries.
This is a survey done by porn hub.Pakistan by the way blocks porn websites, maybe the searches are true, but they didn’t watch.
Its more believable if you line it up with countries with the most rape.
hypocritenoun 1.a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs,principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.2.a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude,especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his other public statements.
TruthIsTruth burp123 Shama44 maybe its just the google searches, but as you said porn websites are all blocked in pakistn
As you can see list that most of them are muslim countries so th the reason aslo common among them and it is because of no freedome to basic life requirements and among them is sex. Sex is a basic life requirement which is natural but unfortunately in Muslim countries there are no system to fulfilling this requirement in a respectable way that will not bring any harm to so called islamic society and concept. Anyone of you thought why usa or European countries are not in this list as we muslim think about them that they are in more sexual activity?? Answer is simple that USA and European countries have very comprehensive system for everything and for the sex requirement too so that is why they dont need to watch website for fullfiling sexual needs. It is something like your hungry and watching food pictures on Internet.lolz. living in a double standard society will lead such conditions where rich person can avail anything they want even if they are prohibited but poor can’t even avail righteous things . poor can’t even think for marriage these days because of higher inflation ratio in third wolrd countries so porn websites is their only hope for fulfilling these needs.
hahah This article is fully biased world must know porn and other vulgar sites are ban since many years so how come Pakistan on #1 ? i have a question to whole world specially India and western countries why you people won`t swallow Pakistan existence on the earth one after one propaganda ?
Proud Pornistani m/
Wow , Nations having Biggest Porn Industries are not even in the list. However blamming Pakistan and other MUSLIM countries as a result of Fake Statistics to Reproach ISLAM . Shame on you. ISLAM is the Fastest growing Religion and guide us PEACE and BROTHER HOOD. You and Your Media can not Dominate us INSHA ALLAH Victory is ours.
This article is written by some one personally and results are of 5 years ago this is full biased and favouritism… In India there a rape with women after every r 32 seconds
mc090410137 Says a country whose rape rate is 28 times higher in India……..Truly Pakistan is the most illiterate and dumb countrry……….It feels proud when people outside that dumb brainwashed nation mocks at it….
songoku10333 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_Pakistan
sarfarazabbasi What a duffer!!!!
hunaintymee queenthe44 Did u intentionaly forgot Pakistan with 29.0…….just because the people, media and the judiciary of the islamic countries don’t want to hype and ignore such cases….
so mister whatever you are … what u think about it?
SahilPIPOS this article is written by a indian m sure .
ayeshanasir090 madam, do u know pornhub is just one of thousands of porn sites or not???? this site is not even available in all countries specially islamic, but does that translate to not seeing sex at all………hahahahahaa….
Besides pornsites are not banned in these country, and pakistan ranks top in net traffic for porn hunt even after banning so many sites…specially “sex with animals”!!!!!!
Next time bring something more sensible and factual, so that u do not sound foolish…
google should review its data , as this doesn’t seem to be correct at all
there are few genuine reasons for it, looking this data for year 2004
1) as i know people in pakistan didn’t had computers like laptops in massive number until 2012 mid , when scheme for laptops and computer distribution came in country
2) pakistan has serious electricity problem with load shedding of 14-16 hours in most of country ,
3)70% of country population is in villages ,
4)50% of country population is iletrate and around 20% of population only knows basic usage of computer
alot of sites about half a million are blocked by state already . SO collectively this doesn’t justify google stance
its a propaganda against muslim world
5) the other countries which are making porn in massive amount basically they themselves are mentally sick they are actually doing it
In islamic countries if a woman is raped she needs 4 male witnessess in her support to prove it. So it is easy to understand why rape is not reported in islamic countries.
Waleed zaman and a metalhead xD
FawwadAhmad Yes,told right.
hunaintymee Right told,i think.
You are misled. If the girl has consensual sex with a guy outside of marriage then one needs 4 witnesses. If the girl is raped then you dont need 4 witnesses.
ayeshanasir090 well, in pornhub there is no animal or child porn, so there is nothing interesting for your fellas, lol
THIIS IS THE BIGGEST LIE, go on google trend and type the word like “free po***” and see the countries , type any other porn related topic and IT WILL NOT SHOW MUSLIM COUNTRIES AS FIRST, STOP TELLING LIES AND USE YOU BLOODY BRAIN INSTEAD OF GETTING BRAINWASHED, even my manager was giving me a lecture about how muslims were hypocrite because apperently we watch so much porn in the muslim world. Even when i try to google it it shows this same article everywhere as if there is someone trying to make us believe a certain thing. you people are either uneducted and can’;t research for yourself or you are naive and follow like a sheep
ayeshanasir090 well this article is missleading and I will ask a few websites to counter this article with real facts and use similar tags to make it a top search on seo
FawwadAhmad omg just be quiet man and go watch you porn, this article is missleading , go on google trend and type other porn keys word or *free porn* or anything else that comes to your mind and see who are the countries who top the views , instead of brining up nonsense. Porn has nothing to do with sexuality, it’s an industry to make money, USE YOUR BLOODY BRAIN
I’ll be fair here instead of exploding or defending. Show me the proof. I want this article revised in MLA format with credible sources before I file you in the Fake News category.
goutam dutta
this shows how manipulated you are not actually knowing the fact
Designed by Hindu pigs…………….Totally seems fake
https://trends.google.com – check it
It just goes to prove that no matter the religion or country, HYPOCRISY exist. These people want to tell others how to live, but are far more disgusting than the average person. Hypocrites!
Said the porn watcher.
Proud to be a pakistani hahaha
shame on u u fel proud mother fuqr
xD Wher is algeria
Algeria is in northern africa..İts biggest country in africa
totally wrong all right list blow
1. The US
2. Iceland
3. UK
4. Canada
5. New Zealand
6. Ireland
7. Norway
8. Australia
9. Sweden
10. The Netherlands
Totally fake.
This is India Website who want to defame Pakistan,,,,,Real statiscs is here check out for your kind informations
https:// www. bustle. com/p/which-countries-watch-the-most-porn-america-did-not-disappoint-in-2016-28331
The Indian website that also includes India as one of the world’s top porn viewer? And how do you define “REAL” statistics, that which you like? Those “real” statistics you refer to is only the access on ONE website. In other words, it’s not even comprehensive- perhaps there are other websites more commonly used, perhaps PornHub is blocked in Pakistan and there are some easier-to-access porn sites not yet block?
Totally fake. I can’t believe this is happening right now. People everywhere know that Porn is illegal in Pakistan and the punishment is also hard. It just can not come on top.
Check wikipedia:
These pathetic fucktard morons always try to defame Pakistan.
Downloading movies is illegal in many countries, particularly in the west and the punishment is also hard. However, knowing human nature, downloading movies is VERY popular and almost everyone does it. But who is trying to defame Pakistan here?
You should be ashamed of yourself. You’re arguing against the sun. Pakistan is a Muslim majority country. Porn websites are banned here. Also, did the link i posted above is harmful for your eyes or what? check it for yourself. That’s the list and india is always is on top. They lack morality and shame.
Dear pathetic boy. kindly compare your CUNTry with India by proper websites. We don’t want your Madrasa grade education here. You will find India ahead of you in every aspect.
And with what ‘SHAME’ do you talk with when 6 out of 10 countries listed here are Islamic countries. I don’t know what makes you feel like an angel from the Jannah itself for you being a Muslim.
SO WHAT IF PORN SITES ARE BANNED…There are many different programs you can buy and download for free and bypass the law..So what if Pornistan is a ‘muslim’ country and porn is banned..it doesnt Have to stop people from searching for ‘forbidden fruit’…Is a boy homosexual country also : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NMp2wm0VMUs
Pornistan pakistan homosexual gay : https://www.bustle.com/p/wh…
So what if its a muslim country..shithole is shithole..
No,its not banned..I watch pakistani porn every day….https://www.xvideos.com/video33397185/pakistani_slut_nude_on_road
YES,YES!!!Very good,very good..Pakistani men like also small boys tight asshole..Yes yes,very tight asshole👍👍Erotic massage on his hairy dick,sexy boys porn and sex very good making yes.And get dressed like female also pakistani men is best👗💄👗👠🆗🆗 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-MC4l_lHmz0
Similarweb Stats for Porn Searches
Highest Bounce Rate: Pakistan (in common words: if they are provided such content through internet ads, they prefer to leave the website instantly.)
and indians should rename their nation from hindustan to rapeistan
And ur name should change from pakistan 2 pronistan🤣🤣🤣
Fucking disgusting Muslims !
“but when you add in the data for the child, animal and homosexual sex searches, it paints quite a disgusting picture of the state of the Islamic world.”
Adding Homosexual sex searches with other illegal and immoral searches just saddens me.
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[…] on the Google search result queries the top ten pornography searched countries […]
[…] on the Google search result queries the top ten pornography searched countries […]
[…] on the Google search result queries the top ten pornography searched countries […]
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Fake hai gandu galt bta raha … Phudi ka
Gaandu Loog hoo tum india wale.
All of you are son of bitches. It’s not true. Non of muslim country is on the top. Releasing false news won’t change anything.
Totally fake article if you search on google about this u will find that US ia at top and Pakistan is not at top rather Pakistan is not listed top10 porn watching countries It is propoganda against Islamic countries nothing more and no one believes at this
[…] on the Google search result queries the top ten pornography searched countries […]
[…] on the Google search result queries the top ten pornography-searched countries […]
[…] on the Google search result queries the top ten pornography-searched countries […]
Bro is against Muslims. The person and the owner of this website is spreading false news go get a brain u retard pakistan is a very strong country and has the most islamic faith in Allah where r u from huh, Probs pakistan can destroy ur country. U r nothing but a chicken