Ellen DeGeneres Oscars Selfie

Ellen DeGeneres had Tweeted a selfie which was originally clicked by Bradley Cooper back in March during the Oscars. Believe it or not, the selfie has been retweeted over 3.3 million times and added in favorites by over 2 million Twtter users. The selfie hence makes it to the top of the most retweeted selfies ever.

The selfie features some great Hollywood names like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Kevin Spacey, Meryl Streep, Bardley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Ellen DeGeneres herself and half face of Russell Brand.

The selfie was taken using a Samsung Galaxy Note 3. It has been quoted by many people as the best selfie ever.

DailyMail claimed that the selfie was part of a promotional stunt for Samsung:

It did appear as if the picture was part of a promotional stunt for Samsung, which is a big sponsor of the show, as the selfie was taken with her Samsung Galaxy Note 3, a device which she whipped out at various stages during the proceedings.


By Postober Staff

Postober Staff brings you interesting and viral stories from a wide range of industries from the English speaking world.

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